Let's return political parties on "a barrel"
To continue previous post "After politics and demagogy - what?",
from <https://www.diem25.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=9034>
Sociogenic approach to DiEM25's seeking to democratise EU need to certain main terms. Hopefully this could give us at least half of success.
1. Democracy is power of people. Power means abilities and opportunities to cover actualised demands of people. In self-management cycle it's mean force of people in very specialised and high competence needed activities:
a. Programming of action - power to innovate;
b. Decision making - power to decide;
c. Implementing - power to implement;
d. Control - power to check validity of actions above.
2. Unfortunately, people as crowd can't implement directly its power ambitions on democracy. Legislative frame on self-management cycle - Constitution and professional intermediaries - trusted specialists, are needed in service of people.
3. Political parties started from "a barrel" as initiators and formers of ideology - ideas, approaches, targets, values, etc. Executors of people's will were professional employees. Rational mission of political parties was translation of people's needs and wishes into actions of employees.
4. Partocracy is power of political parties. Partocratic dictatorship is modification of autocracy, when not one monarch or dictator, but a group of people named as political party is dictating own will to all society for some years. Partocracy become possible, when political parties as cancer expanded their action sphere, occupied overall self-management cycle and replaced democracy. In majority of States Constitutions partocracy isn't provided. Because constitutional norms must be applied directly, partocracy isn't constitutional and she is illegal (!).
5. Partocratic cancer was destroyed democracy as immune system of a society. Political demagogues and layers occupied high professionalism required self-management positions parliaments, ministries, etc. Constructive State's development strategies were replaced by populist promises and demagogic shows. Young people were demotivated to seek professional career trough self-improvement in constructive activity, because only demagogy is needed for personal success in partocratic society. As result - intellectual abilities of government is reducing, what lead crime, corruption and disability to fight against international terrorism.
6. Democracy is innovation engine, which assures creation and implementation of progressive novelties in all spheres of society's life. It's targeted to motivate people for creativity, to search, select and implement innovations into life of society. Properly operating democracy defines high speed of progress and welfare of a State.
7. Oligarchy is power of large business. It's antipode of democracy. Very rich old business isn't interested on progressive innovations, which ramp to lose markets, property and welfare. Aged oil, gas, nuclear power, weapon and other spheres of black business don't want to be replaced by wind, solar, electric vehisles, smart house and other progressive business activities. Hawing huge of money, they are able to take political parties into pockets, to stop progress and lead all World in economic stagnation and growing international confrontation.
8. EU democratisation means at least return of political parties to "a barrel", restrict partocracy as illegal activity an recover democratic immunity by enabling rational, transparent and efficient operation of self-management cycle.
9. The key methodological achievement of EU is principle of Sustainable Innovation, which supports only innovations, which: a) guaranties less handy work; b) avoid pollution; c) prolongs full range life span of people and d) don't leave problems to next generations.
10. Democratisation of EU means creation and implementation of EU strategic Self-management programme:
a. EU Strategy till 2025 and 2050 year;
b. EU Constitution;
c. EU Self-Management system;
d. EU Financial mechanism.