Innovative learning for SCS guides
South Baltic programme project Johanna partners in 2nd December 2020 virtually decided how work out reports on the state of play of guides teaching and certification in Germany, Sweden, Poland and Lithuania.
COVID-19 didn't frozen enthusiasm and great work on innovation of small cruise shipping (SCS) in South Baltic region by international team of SB project Johanna. Researchers, educators, municipal officers and tourism service providers made great work on project tasks. They assessed the state of guide teaching and certification in each partner country. Carried by Edna special multilingual expert poll enabled to evaluate, which skills and abilities guides must have for introduction of small - till 300 travelers cruise ships. Met together by project coordinator Constanze virtually they formed ground, on which innovative learning programmes should be constructed. Stasys is proud, that in Lithuania guides must have high education and certificates for this work. Experienced Karlskrona municipality officer Malin shared best achievements of Swedish guides. Sybille, Yana and Marta are happy, that coming vaccine will take out COVID-19 pandemics soon. Aleksandras is sure, that with this smart team learning guides will help to recover and innovate cruise shipping in South Baltic area.