SlavEnd: LinkedIn should be a practical business services innovation portal.
As an old LinkedIn user, I seek to help this portal not to lose good connections with the reality and progress of life. The straightforward and restricted activities of the portal to bring employees together with employers are already falling out, and soon, in general, they will fall out of the highways of not only business, but also life.
Because hired labour is not a safe port of progress for either employees or employers. There are obvious processes underway for how progress rejects slavery by providing better-than-employee profit tools. Artificial intelligence will already, and soon, completely free the hiring employer from the office's information routine.
The requirements of a shorter working week and more flexible working conditions will lead to moment X of time, when it will no longer be beneficial for the employer to hire people. Then he will begin to hire business services from business enterprises and individuals. The disadvantage of a hired slave is that he does not use his innovative potential for work, since personal issues, including wages and working conditions, are more important to him. Artificial intelligence will do much better to help employers not fall out of the train of innovation than a hired employee.
And innovation in business determines everything. Their lack is already ending the destruction of the Northern White civilization with the inhabitants of the USA, the EU and Russia. Because innovation is a constant renewal, improvement and development. And whoever does not improve, he dies, as it happened with the disappearance from the geography of the planet in the USSR in 1991.
Practical suggestions for LinkedIn portal:
1. Extend the portal's strategy to the Innovation and Development Priority. To hold discussions on innovation self-government.
2. Expand the labour supply to the supply of business services. Because many employers looking for employees can be offered not an employee, but much more – innovative business improvement services.
3. To make the LinkedIn portal a square of continuous expression and creativity of the intelligence of employers and employees/business innovators.
I would be happy to hear the opinions of other participants on the LinkedIn portal on this issue. Do you agree?