1. After being snatched from Africa's Paradise (no one leaves Paradise of their own accord) the ancestors of the Western Crocodile were forced to adapt in harsh Europe. This forced them to innovate, which gave them the mind that enabled them to grow and expand.
2. First, crocodile expanded to the East, where he grew a lame Tail - Russia, which he never wanted to admit with a part of his body, although he took her wealth.
3. The full belly of Europe pushed crocodile's mind with toothy jaws across the Atlantic and raised the United States of America and Canada.
4. Returning to his native African Paradise, Crocodile took revenge - took his ancestors who lived there for slavery and brought them back to create the American Paradise. Created. And enslaved the whole world.
5. While crocodile was touring the world, he did not notice the autotomy - that his tail - Russia reddened, broke away from the Crocodile and began to colonize its surroundings on its own. A huge Red Cow was formed - the Soviet Union, which conceived to feed all the slaves of its own and enslaved peoples with its own milk.
6. Since those times, the crocodile lives without a tail and is constantly trying to grow it. His belly caused as many as two world wars, but both attempts were unsuccessful, the Red Tail lived his life and tried to paint the whole world in red.
7. When one day, not being able to feed its sleazy slaves, the Red Cow wore on, the Western Crocodile even got lost - the huge Eastern tail was left without a master. A real opportunity arose to grow a Russian tail.
8. Fortunately, in every living organism there is no shortage of "pure-blooded" viruses, which quickly figured out how to sew a crocodile tail with the help of demonocracy (democracy or party authorities). Soon the Demonocracy was installed in Russia, Belarus, the Baltic and other parts of the dead Cow.
9. Pure-blooded viruses quickly threw up how they serviced the supply chains of Russia's natural resources (oil, gas, metals, finances, etc.) to be connected to the Crocodile. Succeeded. The tail came to life, stained with streaks and began to pull crocodile innovations in exchange for oil, gas, metals, etc.
10. However, it turned out that the Western Crocodile - no longer that almighty conqueror and tower of progress. Drowning in a slurry of oil, stale, tormented by dementia, resisting innovation, Crocodile turned into a foolish Lizard, which could no longer remember where his tail was, and lost it.
11. Since the demensive jaws forgot their promise to defend every millimetre of the Baltic states, the Belly of Europe (EU) took care of how to reject the Russian tail again, again repaired the Iron Curtain of the Dragon's teeth.
12. But the struggle for crocodile shelter does not end there. Although the crocodile's tail is already being snatched by the Red Dragon China, the belly of Europe is still trying not to lose even though the access of that croup is Ukraine’s.
EPICRISIS: The Western Crocodile is dying because oil has choked, which has stopped its renewal. Prepare for what struck the Red Cow of the USSR in 1991. Because demonocracy's party puppet sale circus is already baffling the whole world today. Huh?