BioSocioGeny: War is a disease that passes if it does not kill.
The virtual model of peace affects the entire history of Mankind. He can also explain the transition of a separate war to peace. The war follows the same resonant sinusoid H(t) as the Disease in the human body: when you get sick (A), the well-being deteriorates by glowing according to the exponent, but the body also produces antibodies and drugs and tries to overcome the infection until it reaches the Climax (B), followed by recovery - recovery until the disease passes (C). Without sufficient defensive forces, the body dies.
War is caused by an inappropriate attitude (form) to one's own existence, when Peace is not created, but by relying on the Defence, which always leads to war. The pendulum of war begins with the spoilage of relationships (the display of slaps) and passes into physical collisions (bloodshed). The culmination of war (B) is achieved when the warring sides realize that Peace is better than war and take on Peace-making, which, with the waning glow of the glow, finally leads to healing (C).
Peacebuilding (content) begins with point B, when the warring sides learn and begin to develop Peace Plans, strategies, their legal, organizational, financial and other mechanisms. This manages to be done to point C and the war ends. But the prerequisites for the next war are born, which necessarily repeats the leap of the war that has just ended.
Knowledge of the virtual model of war makes it possible to avoid war by performing one action - changing the word Defence to Peace-making. It is not the need to defend oneself, but it is necessary to build peace every day. The same is said by Doctor of Medicine, that it is not necessary to wait for infection and illness, but to wash your hands as often as possible and lead a healthy lifestyle.
There would have been no Ukrainian-Russian war if the EU and Lithuanian commanders had read my articles:
- Towards EU Strategic Self-Management, 2016 -
- Three Roads to Global Peace, 2021 - Three roads to Global Peace, updated (